Gold Industry Award Winner - Launchpad Plus 2018 - Georgia Tech School of Industrial Design



Exhibit Designer






Designed in conjunction with the CONFI bike, the pop-up shop showcases the product and introduces consumers to it in a warm, inviting atmosphere. The shop incorporates a repurposed shipping container to comprise its 2-story structure, and hosts a full-service coffee bar, feature wall, and virtual reality experience.


Adobe Creative Cloud (Ai, Ps), Rhino, KeyShot


April 2018 (3 weeks)



— Conceptualization.


— Modularity.

CONFI’s system of interchangeable parts is its defining feature. As such, we wanted to include furniture in the space that could be moved around to suit the needs of the customer. We also wanted to include a section of the shop that drew attention to the interchangeable parts we’d designed. It was important that consumers could interact with the bike and attachments to develop a physical connection with CONFI.

— Community.

Cycling is a community sport. Through our research and observations, we discovered cyclists actively participate in social media groups with each other. Driving around the city early in the morning, you can see groups of cyclists riding together. It was important to design a space that recreated that sense of community, where people could walk in, chat, interact with CONFI, and personalize it together.

— Coffee.

Where do cyclists go after their ride? Well, before they shower and go to work. Some stop for coffee and pastries! After their early morning ride, some cyclists can be found enjoying a coffee and chat. At the time of design, Atlanta hosted a coffee shop called Cafe + Velo, which catered to cyclists. Of particular note was their vending machine full of spare parts and location on the Beltline, a hub for cyclists.

— Sustainability.

Ensuring the design of the shop was sustainable was of the utmost importance. Cycling is a sustainable alternative to automotive travel, so a shop marketing a sustainable mode of transportation should strive for sustainable construction itself.


— Ideation.

Initial designs constructed the building out of repurposed, upcycled shipping containers. They incorporated the characteristic modularity of CONFI, in that they could be easily assembled and disassembled for transport. In order to maximize the constrained floor dimension we were designing for we decided to stack them, creating a 2-story shop. The bottom level incorporated a feature wall, highlighting the various attachments available. CONFI bikes were included in the design as models for consumers to interact with and test out the system. Floor-to-ceiling retractable windows opened up to the space outside, to make the shop feel less confined (and to take advantage of nice weather outdoors when set up outdoors). A retractable wall on the outer exterior created a seated area for people to enjoy.

The top floor was designed as an interactive space for visitors. A coffee shop was stationed in the corner for people to chat and create personalized digital models on provided screens. The model could then be sent to CONFI bikes set up in front of a screen with VR equipment. This enabled people to get a real feel for what their bike would be like and allow people on the outskirts to watch.

— Refinement.

Some adjustments were made to the floorplan between initial ideation and final modeling. For example, the coffee shop was moved downstairs and opened up to the outdoor seating area to create a more inviting atmosphere at ground level. More windows were added to enhance natural light and additional technological features were added to the VR experience upstairs.

The outer facade of the building was also modified to better advertise the brand. Decals of the bike were added to the exterior surface, with color-blocking on one side for added dynamism. The CONFI word mark was also enlarged to increase visibility for passersby.



Interchangeable Parts Feature Wall

Customers should have the opportunity to interact with our bikes before they choose the CONFI experience. Our attachment feature wall and model bikes make that experience readily available and accessible.

Full-Service Pop-Up Coffee Counter

Customizing a bike isn’t a quick or easy thing to do. Take a break, sip a latte, have a chat with your friends/family, and interact with CONFI at a leisurely pace to ensure you’re making the right decision for you.

Expandable Outdoor Seating Area

Our shop isn’t just for those on a mission to purchase a custom bike. Take in the day with your friends and an iced coffee, and enjoy some quality people-watching.


Modular, Moveable Furniture and Decor

A shop is only as good as its representation of the parent brand. Our furniture is as adaptable and modular as CONFI. Feel free to make yourself comfortable and interact with CONFI at eye level.

Self-Service Digital Design Station

At CONFI, we wholeheartedly believe your bike should be a reflection of you. Our self-service digital design station easily facilitates the process of designing a bike to suit your style and needs.

CONFI Digital and VR Experience

Designing a product through a digital interface will never provide a holistic view of the final result. Through our virtual reality experience, you can see what your bike will look like before you order it.